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ICOC’s Murat Kalsin (left) and The Partners/YEKON’s Firat Kasapoglu talk at the Discover Istanbul conference Istanbul’s position as a…

MIPIM 2015 Masterminds Session: Growth of the European listed real estate sector Co-organiser: EPRA Moderator: Allan Saunderson, Managing Editor, Property…

The Emerging Trends in Real Estate was moderated by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) and PwC as the program started…

Leading Powerhouses of the Future– MIPIM CITY INVESTMENT FORUM The case is now made that cities are the powerhouses of regional…

Next Generation USA Real Estate: Next Investment Opportunities? Moderator Dr. Patrice Derrington, Professor NYU Christoph Donner, CEO, Allianz Real Estate…

Peter Woodwood guided the discussion of the ways in which the data revolution is shifting our way of thinking and…

Jason Lucas, President, Jeffrey E. Stronger, Vice President, and Norman Glazer sat down to discuss Amstar’s experience investing in real…

MIPIM Opening Cocktail Last night participants came out to the Carlton to celebrate the Opening of MIPIM 2015. Sponsored…

MIPIM Daily News – Day 2 Discover TOP News from MIPIM today, including: Tokyo’s financial planning – Japan’s capital city…

Moderator: Jeffrey Saunders, Chief Consultant, Signal Architects Speakers: Philippe Chiambaretta, Architect and CEO , PCA Isabelle de Ponfilly, Managing Director,…

Moderator Ben Costantini, Conferences & Content Manager, Reed MIDEM with speakers Dr. Mathieu Dancre, Business Developer, GreenChannel (GDF SUEZ), Souleymane-Jean…

Some of the world’s largest institutional real estate investors are confident that interest rates will remain low for some time,…

Battersea Power Station is at the heart of one of central London’s largest, most visionary and eagerly anticipated new developments,…

Heading towards digital disruption – things to watch out for at MIPIM While preparing for MIPIM, I have been…

Property people make one of two mistakes when it comes to tech: they either take it too seriously or not…