Live Report: From urban planning to designing resilient cities
From urban planning to designing resilient cities Moderator: Prof. Greg Clark, Chairman, The Business…
From urban planning to designing resilient cities Moderator: Prof. Greg Clark, Chairman, The Business…
14.30-15.30 Thursday, March 12 Sponsor: Baker and McKensie A vast array of perspectives were…
AND THE WINNER IS…. WAVING their glow sticks in the air, the packed audience…
Interview with Richard Barkham of CBRE On Covering the Global Real Estate Market Richard stays…
MIPIM Daily News – Day 3 Discover TOP News from MIPIM today, including: Lyon comes…
ICOC’s Murat Kalsin (left) and The Partners/YEKON’s Firat Kasapoglu talk at the Discover Istanbul conference…
MIPIM 2015 Masterminds Session: Growth of the European listed real estate sector Co-organiser: EPRA Moderator:…
The Emerging Trends in Real Estate was moderated by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) and…
Leading Powerhouses of the Future– MIPIM CITY INVESTMENT FORUM The case is now made that cities…
Next Generation USA Real Estate: Next Investment Opportunities? Moderator Dr. Patrice Derrington, Professor NYU Christoph…