Before concluding the opening day for MIPIM 2024, Kai-Uwe Bergmann from BIG unveiled a spectrum of pioneering housing solutions, each championing affordability, sustainability, and accessibility.
Initiatives prioritized providing housing for all and revitalizing spaces. The transformative potential of modular construction techniques, especially using eco-friendly wooden prefab units that repurpose scrap materials, showcases a commitment to adaptable design for seamless integration in various environments.

Photograph by Rasmus Hjortshoj
A standout example of an innovative approach is the floating community of upcycled shipping containers in Copenhagen’s harbor. This visionary project was a direct response to the urgent need for student housing and is distinguished by its replicable, social, and affordable nature.

Photograph by Laurent de Carniere
Adaptive reuse was vividly demonstrated in a project in Basel, Switzerland. The addition of floors to an existing building created vibrant work/live units filled with natural light, fostering a strong sense of community.

Photograph by Laurian Ghinitiou
BIG’s reimagined New York apartment building provides direct access to the waterfront and Hudson River Park, respects neighboring views and reduces traffic noise. The incorporation of leafy green courtyards balances its steeply sloped facade, reaching 450 feet at its peak. The building hosts 600 units of varying sizes alongside cultural and commercial spaces, setting a high standard for urban living.

Photograph by Iwan Baan, Nic Lehoux
The mixed-use concept fosters community interaction and promotes a healthier work-life balance, with recreational spaces strategically incorporated throughout the building. The a-typical design allows more natural sunlight to the user and integrates wonderfully a replicated courtyard of Central Park.

Photograph by Iwan Baan, Nic Lehoux
Cutting-edge 3D printing technology in home construction exemplified the session’s forward-thinking ethos. ICON and BIG, collaborating with NASA, are exploring moon-derived glass-like sand shards to pioneer sustainable architecture for lunar habitats.

Photograph by ICON
In essence, the session served as a catalyst for translating imaginative concepts into tangible realities, reaffirming a steadfast commitment to fostering inclusive communities and nurturing sustainable living environments through bold, innovative technologies and designs.
Article written by Braden K. Sprenger, Master of Science in Real Estate, University of San Diego.