REGIONAL DEAL OF THE YEAR | Real Estate Latest Industry Trends & News


Finzels Reach

Bristol developers Cubex bring new lease of life to Finzels Reach. In conjunction with its funding partners Palmer Capital, Cubex acquired, via a loan purchase, Finzels Reach, a strategic city centre site in Bristol, where the lending bank had foreclosed and appointed a receiver.

The regeneration development had stalled and the challenge Cubex & Palmer Capital faced was to reinvigorate the project, delivering the vibrant mixed use community of over 430 apartments, 240,000 Grade A office accommodation, 40,000ft of retail and leisure space and a new bridge linking the development to Cabot Circus.

In just 18 months the investors have seen over 20% returns on their investment, with further gains expected.

About Author

As Head of Social Media for Reed MIDEM, James Martin oversees social strategy and deployment for MIPIM and MAPIC shows, as well as MIPTV/MIPCOM (TV industry) and Midem (music industry). He is based in Reed MIDEM's Paris office.

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