Creativity and innovation are keys in megalopolis strategies. To remain competitive and attractive, cities have to reinvent themselves, get modernized and think on terms of city planning. Big cities have to constantly evolve.


A number of projects were born in megalopolis to answer the town planning challenges. For example, in Montréal, the Bonaventure highway was transformed into an urban boulevard to create a prestigious entrance in the city, re-connect two historic districts of Montreal and increase the development and the attractiveness of the South of Montréal downtown. In New York, the incredible project to rehabilitate the former elevated New York Central Railroad into the High Line. This aerial greenway restored life in an abandoned zone since 1980. In Paris, banks of the Seine are in reclamation to offer a space favored for pedestrians and activities for them. These changes are the heart of cities development strategies and anchored on the long term.


An inspiring place to live, Montréal prospers by combining talent and creativity, collaboration and innovation, a vibrant cultural scene and easy access to everything. To meet the many economic challenges facing all large cities around the world, Montreal plans to focus on three pillars, three distinctive features of our business environment:

-Collaborative spaces that encourage innovation, help bring genres together and build bridges between sectors.

-Urban innovation, a new way of building Montreal for tomorrow, thanks to many redevelopment and revitalization projects in targeted neighbourhoods.

-Montréal as a place to do business. Our city must be more accessible and dynamic, to provide the conditions for the creativity and talent of entrepreneurs and their employees to flourish. This will make Montréal the prime destination for people and organizations looking for a place geared to their success.


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Montréal plans to build on these three specific pillars. In terms of collaborative spaces, it will accelerate the development of industry clusters, use design as a way of encouraging innovation, and foster talent, knowledge and research. It will promote Montréal as a place for business, offering customer-oriented services, improving the performance of the entrepreneurship support network and encouraging community-based, sustainable development. Finally, in terms of urban innovation, Montréal plans to transform itself into a dynamic and forward-looking metropolis thanks to the major inspiring public and private sector projects that are taking shape in the city.


Johanne Royer

Communication Expert – Könige communications

Könige communications is a communication agency that distinguishes itself through its strategic communication approach and by its ability to achieve goals by offering clients a range of integrated services, such as communication counseling, branding, web strategies and design, public relations (press relations, speech writing, coaching) and event planning. Johanne Royer is the founding president of Könige communications. She is also the official representative of MIPIM in Canada.

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Image:  © Société du Havre de Montréal


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