In a series of special podcasts “MIPIM Leaders’ Perspectives” about the future of real estate post Covid-19, senior level leaders shared their predictions and insights with Courtney Fingar, Editor-in-Chief at Investment Monitor. In an informal and friendly environment, leading investors, developers, brokers and others in the real estate value chain will predict future developments.

Kim Herforth Nielsen: when design inspires positive behavior

Whenever you go, you are bound to encounter a building touched by today’s guest of our podcast « Leaders’ Perspectives ». He is the common thread between The Museum of Liverpool, Sydney’s fish market, the Blue Planet aquarium in Copenhagen or the new headquarters for the International Olympic Committee in Switzerland.

His name is Kim Herforth Nielsen, founder of 3XN, an architecture firm based in Denmark. But the building itself is nearly secondary to him: first and foremost, he thinks about what should happen for the people inside and outside them.

You never start by designing a shape and then puts the functions in. It’s the other way around. It’s about what’s going to happen in the building, how do we want people to interact and so on, that shapes a building

Not many architects look at people’s behavior, but 3XN has a whole department of people dedicated to how an environment can influence people’s behavior.

Kim Herforth Nielsen, founder of 3XN, an architecture firm based in Denmark.

Kim Herforth Nielsen, founder of 3XN, an architecture firm based in Denmark.

Kim Herforth Nielsen: buildings that give back

In a previous interview, Kim Herforth Nielsen has spoken about the fact that « we need buildings that give back to society and the environment. Those that are generous in everyway. What we don’t need are selfish buildings ».And as a result, his buildings are never just buildings, they immediately become an integral part of the fabric of the city. They are connected to the city and the people.

To hear all the answers to those questions, you can follow this link to hear our full interview with Igor Kim Herforth Nielsen for our podcast on Leaders Perspectives.

Discover more interviews on Leaders Perspectives, here.

To learn everything about senior level leaders, you can follow this link to hear our full interviews with: 
– Hélène Chartier

About Author

Media entrepreneur exploring new ways of doing journalism, he is the founder and editor-in-chief of Terra Incognita.

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