As you know,  the Law  nr. 5782 has been revised in May 2012, facilitating foreign nationals to own property in Turkey. As a very controversial topic, it has been debated ever since: whereas those in favor speak in economic terms, those who oppose use a rather nationalistic discourse.

As one of the leading real estate information companies focusing on emerging markets,  we,, would like to share our latest data regarding foreign property ownership in Turkey.

How many people?
How many foreign individuals own immovables in Turkey today? According to our latest statistics, by December 2012, there are 125.449 people who possess real estate in Turkey. Here are the top 10 cities who are the foreign owners’ favourites:



Who are they?
When looking at foreign property numbers, we can see that Turkey is still popular among European countries – in fact, the majority of foreign real estate owners are of European origins. Here are the top 10 countries:

How many properties?
By December 2012, there are 116.455 properties in Turkey which belong to foreign nationals. So, the above-mentioned 125.449 people are the owners of 116.455 properties in Turkey. The most preferred city in Turkey seems to be Antalya, whereas the least attractive cities to foreigners appear to be Gümüşhane, Siirt and Van.


How much land?
Today, 89.358.949 m2 of floor area in Turkey belong to individuals of foreign nationality. The cities which contain the largest areas belonging to foreigners are as following:


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Image: Flickr-olderock1


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