Meet our 6 startup finalists!


The successful launch of the 1st ever MIPIM Startup Competition attracted 70 entries from 27 countries for the London round, which will take place during MIPIM UK.
The competition will recognise the most dynamic international startups offering real estate and urban management solutions, and bring the finest startups to MIPIM in March 2016 to compete in the finals.


All finalists will pitch their idea during the MIPIM 2016 Property Tech Day in front of an international jury who will select the winner! (United Kingdom) have built have built a scalable real time IoT messaging engine that can easily process millions of messages a second from any internet connected device.

Their product enables you to quickly create real time smart IoT products by giving you the components you need such as real time data access, security, storage, data analytics and machine learning. Click here to learn more about Open Sensors

Go-PopUp (Germany)

Go—PopUp is a community where brands and new businesses can connect to landlords and commercial property owners to find an ephemerel space where they can test, promote and develop their  ideas and products. They also offer an additional low to full service to support companies who want to test, promote and develop their business ideas. Click here to learn more about Go-PopUP

Standard Access (Ireland)

Standard Access has developed a hardware, software and lock combination that facilitates secure building access using a smartphone or tablet, integrated with a client management platform. Click here to learn more about Standard Access

Jooxter (France) 

Using high quality motion sensors, Jooxter is able to follow occupants movements and provides real time services to create a peaceful & productive work environment. With a path finder, room booker, colleague finder, proximity services and analytics, their solution promises a 20% increase of your space occupancy rate with a cost less than 9% of the yearly saving. Click here to learn more about Jooxter

PurrMetrix (United Kingdom)

For facilities managers who want more comfort for less energy, Purr provides high resolution visibility into the real performance of HVAC systems, down to the level of each desk. Unlike BMS data, Purr’s analytics are specific to each occupier, reliable and easy to understand allowing facilities managers to quickly identify potential issues and locate energy savings. Click here to learn more about PurrMetrix

Doozer Real Estate Systems (Germany)  

Click here to learn more about Doozer


Click here to enter the next round of the MIPIM Startup Competition!


The Selecting Committee for all the preliminary rounds is composed of:

  • Zach Aarons, Co-Founder, MetaProp NYC & Project Manager, Millennium Partners
  • Prof. Carlo Ratti, Director, MIT Senseable City Lab
  • Samuli Siren, Managing Director, Redstone Digital
  • Filippo Rean, Director of the Real Estate Division, MIPIM & MAPIC markets, Reed MIDEM


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Social Media Manager for all MIPIM and MAPIC real estate events worldwide.

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