Brazil is back on track and the world has already noticed it! This new Brazil started in 2023, guided by reconstruction actions, with the challenge of once again occupy the top position in the global economy, without neglecting environmental sustainability and guaranteeing social rights and valuing culture and diversity .
Having this in mind, Brazilian tourism resurfaces, assuming the indispensable role of contributing to economic growth, generating income and creating more job positions. Today we are the largest economy in Latin America and the 15th global economy.
No other country in the world offers the promising conditions Brazil does to grow as a major sustainable tourist potency. According to the World Economic Forum’s Travel and Tourism Competitiveness report, Brazil is the third country with the greatest potential in natural resources in the world.
Brazil is a continental country with natural attractions that encompass more than 7,000 kilometers of coastline, 6 unique biomes and borders with 10 countries in South America. We also offer a unique gastronomy and a rich cultural and historical diversity.

Logistics Afternoon Report
Brazil is committed to working more intensively for the environment preservation, energy transition and a sustainable tourism industry throughout the whole production chain, promoting a greener economy
To make it happen, we have an action plan on course, focusing in five main topics, which necessarily involves sustainability and climate change, structuring destinations and improving the business environment in the country, with expansion of air connectivity and cost reduction.
Sustainability has had a special focus, intending to encourage sustainable tourism. It is within this scope that, in partnership with other government bodies, such as the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, we are going to expand technical and economic feasibility studies, in order to allow the concession of tourist facilities in our National Parks, which are a showcase of Brazilian natural wealth, bringing together important species of fauna and flora with a very high capacity for attracting tourists.
Park Facilities concessions are a turning point and an opportunity to create, develop, expand and qualify services, improving the tourist experience, encouraging a proximity between society and nature, and promoting awareness of how important is to preserve and care for our natural resources. It also plays an important role in generating employment and income in cities close to conservation units. Studies carried out in four Brazilian parks indicate, for example, the ability to generate approximately 1,500 direct and indirect jobs and attract investments of roughly US$ 20 million in infrastructure in the first five years.
In Brazil, a total of 10 Parks already offer tourist facilities according to this business model and the projection, comprised in the Brazilian Investment Partnerships Program, is to qualify new units for concession and provision of public services to support visitation, always ensuring that the preservation and sustainability are the main criteria.
There is also no way to strengthen tourism in Brazil without structuring our destinations. For this reason, another priority action of the present Administration is the expansion of financing for tourist infrastructure facilities, with a close eye on accessibility measures for people with disabilities or reduced mobility.
The escalation of training courses offering for tourism labor force, especially strengthening female entrepreneurship, the increasement in providing microcredit for professionals and small entrepreneurs in the tourism sector are both also part of the strategy for structuring tourist destinations in Brazil .
The best way to promote sustainable economic development is to attract responsible foreign investors. That is why, through a Cooperation Agreement with the Government of Portugal, we have developed Revive Brasil, a program that makes it possible, through concessions to the private sector, to recover underutilized historical and cultural heritage for tourist use, aiming the generation of new businesses and, therefore, job generation and income.
After restoration, these properties will be available for the development tourist attractions and accommodation, such as hotels, restaurants or cultural spaces, through long-term concessions. Feasibility studies are currently being conducted for five assets: Forte Orange, Palacete Carvalho Motta and Fortaleza de Santa Catarina, located in the northeast of Brazil, and Fazenda Pau D’Álho and the Old Railway Station of Diamantina, located in the southeast of the country.
We also want to shed light on the numerous investment opportunities in Brazilian tourism registered on the Tourism Investment Hub, an online platform, available in English and Spanish, that presents a digital portfolio of projects in the tourism sector, also working as a marketplace to bring together investors, entrepreneurs and public authorities.
Currently, the Hub brings together 67 projects in the tourism sector encompassing 20 Brazilian states. These investments could attract over US$ 5,5 billion, generating more than 130,000 direct jobs all over the country.

Logistics Afternoon Report
All these tourism reconstruction actions allow us to pave a successful road in the development of new tourism businesses, through the consolidation of investments in the country. In order to do this, it is necessary to garantee legal security, simplify bureaucracy and reduce the cost of operation in Brazil. For this reason, the new Government of Brazil is developing reforms in the fiscal, credit and regulatory environment, such as the revision of current legislation and the Tax Reform, expected to be delivered later this year.
A country of superlative adjectives, Brazil is back! Building a macro agenda for attracting investments that add value to the country, that enhance our tourist destinations, but, above all, that respect, conserve and develop our natural, cultural, historical and human resources. Because all the world deserves to appreciate and get to know the wonders of Brazil, including future generations.