Letting to TalkTalk at Soapworks


Letting to TalkTalk at Soapworks

There are few commercial developments that embody the North West’s ambitions quite like Soapworks: a full renovation of one of Salford’s iconic industrial buildings (the Colgate-Palmolive factory), the completed first two phases now boast high spec, Grade-A office space in a prime location along the bank of the River Irwell.

This offering is what drew national telecoms provider TalkTalk to Soapworks, where it took 126,000 sq ft. of space in June 2015. This included 106,000 sq ft. of space in blocks A and B, in the main building, on a 15-year lease and the entire 20,000 sq ft. Boilerhouse on a 10-year lease. The landmark deal, which was the biggest for the area since the BBC moved to MediaCityUK, has seen Soapworks quickly become more than the largest speculative development outside London, and is now 90 per cent let.

About Author

As Head of Social Media for Reed MIDEM, James Martin oversees social strategy and deployment for MIPIM and MAPIC shows, as well as MIPTV/MIPCOM (TV industry) and Midem (music industry). He is based in Reed MIDEM's Paris office.

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